From monolingual child to quadrilingual dad

Geschätzte Lesezeit: < 1 Minute

Andres Diaz Bedolla was born and raised in Mexico and his mother tongue is Spanish. His language journey started at an early age and over the years he mastered English, French and even Mandarin Chinese. Now at 35 he stands in front of a new language challenge: his daughter is growing up with 4 languages but he only speaks 2 of them.

Meet Andres Diaz Bedolla – a proud Mexican who spent most of his adult life abroad. From boarding school in Ireland, Sabbatical in France, backpacking in Europe and at last 9 years in China, he is now back in Mexico.

His multicultural and multilingual daughter Sofia is learning 4 languages simultaneously – Spanish, German, Russian and English. Andres neither speaks German nor Russian – but it is never too late to learn a new language.

It’s the longest podcast episode I ever recorded but it won’t get boring, I promise you.

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Dr. Bettina Gruber

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Musik: Ben Leven YouTube

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