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die Linguistin im Gespräch mit Sundae Schneider-Bean

Intercultural Strategist and solution-oriented coach Sundae Schneider-Bean shares her story of how she explored the world after growing up monolingually in rural North America. She talks about taking language classes in Spain, traveling South East Asia in the late 90ies, her hunger for culture and the tie between language and culture. Sundae shares how and why she learned German after moving to Switzerland for love, how knowing your partner’s languages is connected to knowing your partner, life in West and South Africa, how her son went from having difficulties advocating for himself in his native Swiss dialect to being fully fluent at 8 years old and what running has to do with passing on a language to your child.

Sundae Schneider Bean on facebook

facebook group: Expats on Purpose

facebook group: Focus Camp

facebook group: Year of Transformation

facebook group: Expat Coach Coalition

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Dr. Bettina Gruber

die Linguistin im Netz

12 alltagstaugliche Tipps für mehrsprachige Familien

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die Linguistin auf YouTube

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