Bilingualism and Autism

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die Linguistin im Gespräch mit Dr. Shereen Sharaan

Dr. Shereen Sharaan grew up in the United Arab Emirates speaking both English and Arabic. Inspired by her younger autistic brother, she recently completed a research project looking into the question of which effect bilingualism has on the development of autistic children. Her findings are astonishing and explicitly contradict the current practice of recommending to only provide them with one language. She clearly found that bilingual autistic children even have cognitive advantages in some domains or at least have no disadvantage compared to monolingual autistic children. In the podcast she discusses her findings, talks about the autism spectrum and neurodiversity and shares her insights inspired by her own personal story.

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Dr. Bettina Gruber

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Onlinekurs Entspannt in die Mehrsprachigkeit

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12 alltagstaugliche Tipps für mehrsprachige Familien

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